Senior Energy Specialist-Energy Vacancy-Job Ref: JKBIWB/0621/20230636

World Bank

Senior Energy Specialist-Energy Vacancy-Job Ref: JKBIWB/0621/20230636
Bujumbura (Burundi)
Do you want to build a career that is truly worthwhile? Working at the World Bank Group provides a unique opportunity for you to help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty, increasing shared prosperity and promoting sustainable development. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges.
Home to about half a billion of Africa’s people, Eastern and Southern Africa is a geographically, culturally and economically diverse region of 26 countries stretching from the Red Sea in the North to the Cape of Good Hope in the South. Children under 18 make up almost half of the total population. The subregion boasts of some of the world’s richest human and natural resources and, apart from South Africa, the countries are predominantly raw material exporters.
The subregion harbors some of Africa’s protracted conflicts, rendering many of its countries fragile, while significant gaps in education, health, and skills development continues to keep people from reaching their full potential. This creates a huge development challenge, impacts heavily on the lives and livelihoods of people, and hinders regional integration and trade. But it also creates an opportunity to work closely with country leaders, civil society, development partners, and young people to chart a brighter course for the future.
The World Bank’s Eastern and Southern Africa Region, comprised of approximately 1,207 staff, mostly based in 26 country offices, has been helping countries realize their considerable development potential by focusing on the following priorities:
• Creating Jobs and Transforming Economies: We are working with countries across Africa to stimulate job creation and economic transformation by leveraging all sources of finance, expertise, and solutions to promote investment.
• Building up the Digital Economy: We are supporting Africa’s vision to ensure that every African individual, business, and government is connected by 2030 – a vision that, if realized, can boost growth by up to 2 percentage points per year, and reduce poverty by 1 percentage point per year in Sub-Saharan Africa alone.
• Institutions more Efficient and Accountable: Our support is helping governments strengthen public policy processes, manage resources effectively, and reinforce fair and reliable delivery of public services.
• Investing in People: We are at the forefront of helping African countries accelerate human capital gains and empower women by improving their access to education and skills acquisition, sexual and reproductive health services, and employment opportunities
• Supporting Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption: In the face of increasing climate-related risks, we are working with African countries to advance efforts to adopt renewable energy, climate-smart agriculture, and green infrastructure. A number of East African countries recently had to deal with a debilitating Desert Locust infestation that threatened the already precarious food security situation. The Bank has put together a program to help affected countries deal with the scourge.
• Addressing the Drivers of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence: Given the cross-border nature of conflicts in Africa, we are employing an approach that simultaneously focuses on the drivers of fragility while also supporting well-targeted regional initiatives to create opportunities for peace and shared prosperity.
• Building Partnerships and Working across the African Continent: We are scaling up our work on regional integration, taking a holistic view of the continent that covers both North and Sub-Saharan Africa.
The World Bank is a dedicated partner for Eastern and Southern African countries, helping them deliver strong development outcomes for their people. A brighter future for Africa is a better future for the world.
The Energy & Extractives (EEX) Global Practice (GP) of the World Bank Group is made up of about 300 professionals, a lending program in the order of US$5-7 billion a year, an active portfolio of some $40 billion, and a rich program of Advisory and Analytical Work. The EEX GP focuses on: providing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to meet the needs of fast growing economies and to ensure universal access to modern energy services for people in client countries; and, strengthening policy and institutional frameworks to promote transparent and equitable growth of the extractives sectors for public benefit. There is a strong emphasis on private sector resource mobilization and catalyzing financing from commercial and other sources of development and climate finance.
The Bank is engaged in all aspects of the electricity sector – generation, transmission, distribution, rural electrification and off-grid– through development policy financing, program for results, investment financing support, technical assistance and guarantee operations; assisting the government with policy reforms to attract investments in generation and renewable energy along with the promotion of the regional energy trade in the Central, Eastern, Southern and Western Africa power pools, modernizing the electricity network for the needs of a modern economy and increasing energy access are among the key areas of the Bank’s deepening engagement in the sector.
The Africa energy sector grouping consists of four units across two regions of Eastern and Southern Africa and newly created VPU of West and Central Africa. The position for a Senior Energy Specialist is based in Bujumbura, Burundi, supporting the Eastern and Southern Africa energy unit (IAEE3).
The Bank’s energy engagement in Burundi — one of the 10 least electrified countries in the world despite abundant renewable resources — supports the Government of Burundi’s overarching goal of rapidly boosting electricity access, through three strategic areas. The first strategic area seeks to increase renewable energy supply through the implementation of hydropower projects . The second strategic area aims at expanding electricity access by rehabilitating and densifying the distribution network in urban areas and reinforcing the medium voltage network, as well as deploying mini-grids, standalone solar systems, and clean and efficient cookstoves for households, health centers, schools, and small businesses in rural areas.
The third engagement area seeks to implement sector reforms, with strong focus on improving the operational performance and financial sustainability of the national utility (REGIDESO) . These strategic areas of engagement are being pursued under the ongoing operations including Jiji and Mulembwe Hydropower Project (P133610 – US$ 100 million), Solar Energy in Local Communities Project (P164435 – US$ 100 million) and Regional Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project (P075941 – US$ 113.3 million). Alongside these strategic areas, the Bank energy team in Burundi is supporting the Government to meet their universal access target and further strengthening the performance of the utility REGIDESO and the sector’s governance through a strong sector dialogue. On the supply side, the Bank team is also actively involved in the Ruzizi III regional project (206 MW HPP), a regional PPP project prioritized and shared between Burundi, DRC and Rwanda, which is currently under preparation.
Duties & Accountabilities
The East Africa unit (IAFE3) of the World Bank seeks a Senior Energy Specialist to coordinate and be a key member of the Burundi Energy Team to support the Government of Burundi in its efforts towards provisioning of clean, affordable, and sustainable electricity. The work entails strategic, advisory, and operational work. As part of the Burundi energy team, the main responsibility of the candidate will be to lead the ongoing sector dialogue, implementation of the investment lending operations, preparation of a pipeline of projects, as well as analytical work in Burundi’s energy sector. The candidate will also be required to provide support to other country and regional teams in Eastern and Southern Africa.
The responsibilities of the selected candidate will include:
The selected candidate will lead or co-lead some of the World Bank Energy engagements in Burundi including work on sector reforms, electricity generation, transmission, and distribution / access projects; and renewable energy development, public-private partnership (PPP) projects and technical assistance in the energy sector.
A core part of the work will be to continue the dialogue with the Government to support them in meeting their target to reach universal access to electricity by 2030, in line with their Universal Electricity Access Program and aligned with SDG7, and strengthening the performance of the utility REGIDESO and the sector’s governance.
The selected candidate will participate in overseeing implementation of energy operations with the aim to enhance quality and accelerate implementation and will play an active role in Bank’s policy dialogue with the authorities, development partners, and other stakeholders on strategic energy issues and implementation of ongoing energy sector reforms.
The selected candidate will also lead teams, provide guidance and mentoring to junior staff on operational, policy dialogue and analytical activities.
The AFR Energy team is a key contributor towards the WBG strategy for “Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) with the objective to help countries maximize their development resources by drawing on private financing and sustainable private sector solutions. The Senior Energy Specialist is expected to actively seek opportunities to apply MFD principles in our work program and build a strong internal WBG partnership with IFC and MIGA, as well as network with private sector partners that can contribute to the achievement of our development objectives.
Other responsibilities will include technical support to lending and non-lending programs:
• Lead or co-lead energy sector strategy development and policy dialogue;
• Lead the development of new lending, preparation and supervision of investment operations in the energy sector with the aim to enhance quality, efficiency and pro-poor focus and accelerate implementation;
• Lead the drafting and inputs for sector and country briefings, analytical and advisory reports and studies on utility reform, transmission and distribution, renewable energy; energy efficiency, and other programs within the AFR Energy portfolio.
• Support the AFE Regional energy programs, particularly the Ruzizi III regional project (206 MW HPP);
• Support the unit’s analytical agenda on improving access to energy services in Sub-Saharan Africa;
• Assume an active role in the Burundi energy team with the aim to ensure adequate and appropriate integration of relevant aspects of the energy development agenda in core Bank products, including the country partnership framework, strategic country diagnostic, country economic memorandum etc.; and
• Participate in the dialogue with relevant representatives of the private sector in order to keep abreast with issues related to the business investment climate and identify possible areas of collaboration through public-private-partnerships.
Selection Criteria
• Master’s degree in engineering, energy planning/economics, business administration, or equivalent areas relevant for energy sector development;
• At least 8 years of combined experience in the World Bank, other international institutions and/or companies, government agencies, and/or power sector utilities with demonstrated track record of successful engagement with relevant developmental programs and projects;
• Demonstrates proven understanding of energy policies, technologies or strategies, private sector participation, utility reform, and institutional development needed to support development and for the success of project and analytical work.
• Strong experience in planning, designing, and implementing power infrastructure projects including renewable energy generation, transmission, distribution and improving commercial performance of utilities;
• Experience leading and/or playing key roles in policy dialogue with clients and stakeholders.
• Experience in energy access and experience working in Sub-Saharan Africa;
• Experience working on/with World Bank or other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) on lending and non-lending operations is desirable;
• Demonstrates active listening skills and the ability to influence the audience (such as counterparts in government, international partner organizations, academia, and Bank colleagues, senior staff and managers).
• An excellent track record in carrying out high quality and timely analytical reports and activities would be advantageous;
• Hands-on experience with infrastructure projects with power sector utilities will be a distinct advantage;
• Experience working with large global teams, to produce high-quality results and outputs with minimal supervision is required;
• High level of motivation, ability to work independently, taking initiative, and flexibility in quickly adjusting to changing work program requirements;
• Excellent interpersonal skills and proven ability to build strong partnerships with clients, different stakeholders and colleagues across units and departmental boundaries in a multi-cultural environment with virtual teams located in different countries;
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and French, able to communicate complex issues in simple terms and to engage in evidence-based dialogue with clients; and
• Demonstrates strong understanding and able to translate technical analyses into policies, operations and/or research of at least one of relevant thematic business lines such as Energy Access; Economics, Markets & Institution; Oil & Gas; Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy; Energy Finance; Hydropower; Power Systems & Technologies.
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