Epidemiologist Vacancy-Job Ref: JKBIWHO/2504/202372
Epidemiologist Vacancy-Job Ref: JKBIWHO/2504/202372
Rutana (Burundi)
Since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) at the World Health Assembly, remarkable progress has been made across the world and in Africa. Many countries in the African region have been declared free of wild poliovirus, including Burundi.
Burundi faced a series of health emergencies in 2023, including the polio epidemic due to type 2 variant poliovirus, declared on March 17, 2023 following the isolation of a type 2 variant poliovirus. type 2 in a 4-year-old child with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). In addition to the AFP case, 21 other type 2 variant polioviruses were isolated from isolates collected from environmental wastewater samples. All of these isolated viruses are genetically linked to the DRC viruses.
Following these 22 cases, a new human case has just been reported in the Kayanza health district in a child aged 18 months presenting with acute flaccid paralysis but this time the transmission is between Burundians.
After notification of the first case of cVDPV2, a risk analysis concluded that the entire country is at risk. Three rounds of the nOPV2 campaign were organized in the 49 health districts of the country among children aged 0 to 7 years old.
In the context of stopping the circulation of poliomyelitis and other vaccine-preventable diseases, WHO deployed national epidemiologist consultants to the EPI to support silent DS and low-performing DS in the context of surveillance. active AFP and other VPDs and routine vaccination because the analysis of polio risk confirms the persistence of challenges in terms of surveillance and routine vaccination.
Response activities to interrupt the circulation of poliovirus according to the Global Polio Eradication Strategy (GPEI) 2022-2026 continue. The country continues to make significant efforts to better understand the extent of the epidemic.
To meet these challenges and accelerate the objective of interrupting the circulation of poliovirus, the EPI needs additional resources. The SSA will be deployed in Rutana province, a low-performing province on AFP/MEV surveillance and routine vaccination.
Under the general supervision of the WHO Office Representative in Burundi through the Coordinator of the response to the epidemic due to cVDPV2 or his representative and assisted by the Head of the Expanded Immunization Program (EPI), the SSA / EPIDEMIOLOGIST in Support of the WHO Representation Office in Burundi will be responsible for supporting the following three areas of activities:
Support for the planning, implementation and evaluation of supplementary immunization activities (AVS ) of quality
• Actively monitor AVS planning using the official readiness dashboard (including for HR and financial elements)
• Ensure that GIS data and micro plans are used at project level districts for SIA planning, particularly in high-risk populations, especially nomadic, displaced and migrant populations at border crossings, markets, IDP/refugee camps and islands, and for estimating the target population and coverage
• Work closely with district teams to ensure that micro plans are updated at team and commune levels at least 7 days before the start of the campaign
• Participate in all activities carried out before campaign (training, micro-planning, logistics) and regularly report on the status of implementation
• During AVS, daily monitor vaccinator teams and team supervisors and conduct household surveys (monitoring in progress)
• Analyze AVS quality data during campaigns to propose immediate corrective actions (e.g.: sweeping), ensuring appropriate documentation and monitoring of untreated children are carried out
• Contribute to the implementation coherent implementation of AVS monitoring tools
• Examine the monitoring data (in progress, at the end of the process, LQAS, etc.) and propose corrective actions
• Organize an evaluation meeting after the campaign during which it is necessary to discuss the investigation into batches rejected by the LQAS
Strengthening the surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases with particular emphasis on that of AFP and measles for the improvement of key indicators
• Provide technical and logistical support for strengthening the surveillance of AFP, measles and other EPI target diseases at all stages (planning, site visits and active case finding, training and briefing, awareness raising, supervision/monitoring and evaluation) with a view to improving surveillance performance and resulting in indicators consistent with required standards
• Support the implementation of surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and other EPI target diseases at the level of provinces, districts and municipalities of responsibility
• Support the conduct of rapid investigations of AFP cases and sharing reporting
• Conduct regular review of surveillance data (including eSurv, NGOs…)
• Provide feedback, supervision and training on surveillance to health care center staff
• Ensure active monitoring of samples of AFP cases to ensure they are shipped within recommended timelines and international standards
• Ensure all priority AFP surveillance sites have been mapped
• Ensure selection of AFP sampling sites environmental monitoring meets international requirements and verify that samples are taken regularly following processes
• Ensure that the country uses AFRO electronic data tools for site characterization, blue line collection and sample collection
Strengthening routine immunization including improving data quality and vaccine logistics, especially in high-risk health districts with a view to recovering unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated children
• Support planning, implementation implementation of vaccination strategies (fixed, advanced and mobile) and monitoring
• Monitor the quality and management of coverage data (including the stages of data validation and then their use) and vaccines, including the databases data
• Support vaccine procurement and logistics
• Support the integration of Covid-19 vaccination into routine
• Support data validation during monthly district workshops
• Support the preparation of periodic vaccination reports, monitoring and reporting on preparations for monitoring campaigns
• Contribute to the development of monthly district and regional reports
Carry out all other tasks assigned by WHO
Write a final report at the end of the consultation.
Essential: Hold a university degree in medicine.
Desirable: Have a Master’s degree in Public Health or epidemiology
Essential: At least five years of experience in routine immunization, supplementary immunization activities, epidemiological surveillance and control of vaccine-preventable diseases (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation)
Desirable : Previous experience working for WHO, UNICEF or another international agency in similar fields would be an asset
• Teamwork
• Technical expertise
• Communicate credibly and effectively
• Respect and promote individual and cultural differences
• Good command of IT tools and software, in particular Word, Excel, Power Point, EPI Info; SNIS databases
• Fluency in French
• Working knowledge of English would be an advantage
• Willing and able to travel to all health districts in Burundi
• Be available and free from any commitment with the Government, particularly the Ministry of Health , during the contract period.
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